School project of the BOS I 10 at the David-Roentgen-Schule, Neuwied.

It's easy to moan about the bad times we live in and to say that there is no chance to change things because everything is connected worldwide.

BUT...all of us can make contribute to a better world by only changing little things in their everyday lives.
Inspired by the project "We Are What We Do" we have started to publish our own ideas how to change things for the better.
Here you can find the ideas of the BOS I 10 at the David-Roentgen-Schule, Neuwied.

Montag, 17. Januar 2011

Open your eyes !

Take a look and care about your fellow men !

It is very valuable to be interested in someone. Don't walk with blinkers trough the world.

Today, our society became faster and faster. So much people are very hectically and don't interested in someone.

Much people see others who are in helpless situations. For them that's “peanuts” but you don't have to forget that these concerned people maybe need a little bit of help.

For example:

1. You're sitting in a bus. On the next stop, there is an old woman with a walking stick. She steps into the bus and you see, that she can't stand all the time. She needs to sit. So you have to ask yourself: Would you stand up and offer her your place ?

  1. You see an woman with a baby carriage and she wants to go downstairs to the underground. There is nobody who helps her. Would you help her ? Or you just pass by ?

  2. There are much little things you can do:

    - Open the door for someone

    - invite your neighbour to dinner or coffee if you know, that he/she is the most time alone

Do you know or remember the song “Another day in paradise” from Phil Collins ? The song was written to bring attention to the problems of homelessness and in my opinion this song could help us to remember that we have to be interested in the other people too.

Don't forget that in future we are all older people and everyone of us would be happy, if there is a person, who helps us in situations like these.

Behave respectfully to everyone !

I'm sure you're glad if other people behave you respectfully too !


1 Kommentar:

  1. I personally always help other people when they need help. Unfortunately, many people don´t do this.
