School project of the BOS I 10 at the David-Roentgen-Schule, Neuwied.

It's easy to moan about the bad times we live in and to say that there is no chance to change things because everything is connected worldwide.

BUT...all of us can make contribute to a better world by only changing little things in their everyday lives.
Inspired by the project "We Are What We Do" we have started to publish our own ideas how to change things for the better.
Here you can find the ideas of the BOS I 10 at the David-Roentgen-Schule, Neuwied.

Montag, 17. Januar 2011

strom save in the household

Stream reduction in costs is definitely an area in which a lot of money can be saved. How many technical devices run constantly in the state By mode and use stream and therefore energy what would not have to be. Even, one should not mean it, an accumulator case-net part in the outlet which is not connected on the mobile phone uses a lot of energy. Here one should begin with the energy saving and uncover these little things. One will already save after a short time perceptibly energy costs. Indeed, household appliances with a high Energieeffizienzklasse are more expensive in the acquisition, but in the Nachhinein for the years seen definitely more economically in the energy consumption. Also here one should think by the new acquisition of such devices, as for example fridge or freezer and oven to be able to save energy for wide view. Also energy savings lamps bring a cost reduction. Indeed, they are mostly expensive in the acquisition, however, the savings potential is very high. An other possibility around the stream costs is to be lowered a stream supplier change as one can carry out him, for example, with an independent stream comparison and can change afterwards the supplier. So-called energy costs knives are a possibility to find out where the weak spots lie where one save stream. Thus one can evaluate where needlessly energy gets lost and saving are possible.


Energy saving is no science, this is able to everybody! If one follows a few certain rules, one performs to his purse and the environment a riesen fallen. Energy costs saving counts not only to private household, no, above all also for the economy the subject Energy reduction in costs stands in the agenda.

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